Friday, September 28, 2012

Protecting Your Privacy On The Chat Line

We at ChatHerBox know that people who would like to call our free chatline are sometimes a little wary of doing so, due to privacy concerns. Luckily, almost all those concerns can be proven to be unfounded because we take your privacy as seriously as you do.

When you call in to our chat line, you are not required to give us any personal information of any kind. No home address, no telephone number, no credit card number, nothing of the sort. That's because we don't collect any information whatsoever about our callers. Therefore, you never have to worry about any kind of security leak or anything like that. We don't collect ANY info about you that could possibly ever be leaked.

On the other hand, it does require that *you* protect your own privacy when using the chatline. Since other chat line users or third parties can get any information about our users, that means that the only way anyone can get your information is if you provide it. For this reason, we ask that all users keep personally identifying information, like full names, phone numbers, addresses, etc. to themselves and not share these things with other users.

So please protect your privacy...and have fun using the free adult chat line!


Friday, September 21, 2012

Find Yourself A Chatline Friend

Sometimes, you just need a friend. Sure, you might be in a relationship, but between your significant other and work, when are you going to find the time to make friends, right? After all, your significant other has listened to all your annoying work stories at this point, and probably needs a break.

And let's be honest here, sometimes you just need to talk about your partner to someone else. Like how he seems to love Scarlet Johansson films, but the only ones he can remember the plot to are Iron Man 2 and Teh Avengers. Or maybe she doesn't describe you as her perfect man, but Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday in Tombstone. So, how do you make new friends? Call our free chat number!

On our free party line, you can talk to plenty of people about your day or your partner as long as you want. Just remember to listen to their problems, too. And who knows, maybe you can find some other common ground, like Iron Man 2, The Avengers, or even Tombstone!

Free Adult Chat doesn't mean it has to be perverted, after all. It means it's all adults talking about the things they like and things they want. So time to have a little fun and find a friend. Maybe two!


Friday, September 14, 2012

Long Day At Work? Unwind With The Chatline!

So here is the scenario. You have been at work, working the stove. It has been a busy day and you are alone in the kitchen. For some reason, they are also training managers at your store for other stores. You get a call to make a chili dog. You start to make it, and then learn seven different ways to make a chili dog, all of them official, none of them right.

It is the end of the day, and you just want to unwind and maybe talk to some one. Your friends are all at work or school or busy. What do you do, hot shot? What do you do? My advice? Call a free chat number.

Most people think it's all about phone dating or shit like that. That's how most people use it, but there are also people who call just to talk to other people. Sometimes, you just want to vent to someone and that someone wants to vent back. Maybe there are a lot of people who want to vent on the free party line....

And at the end of the night, you get some new friends and a lot of reasons why maybe you have not got it as bad as you thought.


Friday, September 7, 2012

Party By Yourself With Your Party Line Friends

So let's say you're in the mood for a party, but none of your friends are available. That doesn't mean you should sit at home watching lame TV movies or, heaven forbid, go to bed early. Absolutely not! You can party all by yourself and with friends from all over the world when you call our party line number.

If you're in the party mood, chances are, you aren't the only one on the chat line who is. You'll encounter plenty more people who are in exactly the same mood as you, so why not party with them?

Sure, you're home by yourself, but your party line friends are right there with you. So why shouldn't you enjoy yourself and have a grand old time?

That's the great thing about our phone chat. There are people just like you ready to talk any time of day about anything under the sun.

So why not throw a party on the party line? It's free, after all. It'll be the cheapest party you've ever had!

Give us a call at the number below and get your party on with all your friends at ChatHerBox.
