Monday, January 21, 2013

Free Entertainment On Our Chat Line

When you're looking for a way to entertain yourself, what's one of the first things you look at? The price, right? Nobody wants to spend too much money merely saving themselves from boredom. While you may be willing to spend some money on such things, hearing the word FREE always gets your attention, doesn't it?

We don't blame you for that at all. In fact, that's one reason that we offer quality entertainment for no cost at our free chat number. Why not, right?

You can get all the live adult chat that your little heart could possibly desire, completely free of cost. And, yes, it's truly free. As long as you have unlimited long-distance service on your phone (and who doesn't nowadays?), you can chat all day, every day without spending a dime.

And since it's an adult chat line, the possibilities for topics of conversation are endless. Sometimes, you just need to talk with someone (or someones) who are on the same level as you, and you can't always get that in your everyday life, right?

Give us a call and enjoy some FREE entertainment today!


Monday, January 7, 2013

Keep Your Private Info Private When Using The Chatline

We’ve all heard the old adage “Loose lips sink ships!” It’s a little silly in most circumstances, it’s true, because it’s not very likely the things you say are going to be sinking any battleships anytime soon. However, revealing too much in the wrong situation can lead to catastrophic situations.

First of all, let’s make it clear: We here at Chat Her Box DO NOT collect any private information from you. No credit card numbers, no addresses, nothing. Your phone number is not stored in our system when you call in on the chatline. So if we do not have access to any of your information, then there’s no way that other participants in the phone chat can have it, either, so you need not worry about that.

That means that the only way other callers can have any sensitive information about you is if you personally give it to them.

We strongly advise that you keep all private information private. We want our callers to enjoy our chat line and be safe while they’re doing it. You are not forbidden to share this information, since we do allow phone dating, but we do ask you to use common sense and discretion.

Happy chatting!
