Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Phone Dating Makes Dating Easier

Hey, is dating just the most annoying thing you have ever gone through? All that body language being misread, all those social cues you do not understand?

Let's say that it is cold, so you give the girl a jacket. Then, you get kicked in the balls for being a misogynist and get a three hour lecture on the evils of men and why feminists should rule the world. You were just trying to be nice and instead you got testicular trauma and your face plastered on a blog saying you are an asshole. Don't you wish dating was just... easier? Well, it can be...through phone dating.

That's right, you can just call a free chat number and meet all sorts of people. You do not have to worry about that whole testicular trauma incident, cause if she is cold, bitch can get a blanket from her closet. Meanwhile, you can sit in the air conditioning and enjoy the climate you choose. Sounds almost too good to be true, right?

Well, just call this free adult chat line and you can find out for yourself! Have fun, fellas!


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